Adding a devise user or admin in a Heroku app

To add a devise user on a Heroku site we combine two commands

Command 1: With devise a person can enter the following into their rails console to create a user: => "", :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password')

Command 2: To run commands in the Heroku terminal, simply go into local directory of the corresponding app and type heroku run [whatever you want to run]

So if we put those together we get the following, assuming that your user model is in fact called User:

    1. Change your directory to your app: cd ~/yourapp
    2. Enter into the rails console on Heroku with the following: heroku run rails c
    3. Run the create user code: => "", :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password')
    4. Then finally

Finally, if you want to do this for a separate admin model, simply replace User in the instructions above with Admin (provided of course that’s what your separate admin model is called; if not adjust accordingly).

That’s it! You should be good to go!

Adding a devise user or admin in a Heroku app

Excluding directory from grep

For some reason, I can never remember how to do this.

If you ever want to grep for something but leave out a particular directory, use the --exclude-dir=DIR

So if I wanted to search the current directory for the string img, but don’t want to look in the directories tmp or log.

grep -r --exclude-dir=log --exclude-dir=tmp "img" ./

Excluding directory from grep

Styling Fields Dynamically Added With Cocoon

I recently ran into a situation where I realized that the nice slick J-Query styling that I’d given to my select menus hadn’t carried over to my dynamically added fields.  This is because, my javascript ran $('select').customSelect(); when the page loaded but at no point after. I therefore needed to figure out how to trigger that function once a dynamic field was added.

After quite a bit of searching around (on the order of hours) and several dead ends, I finally learned that cocoon has many different actions that can be used with on() In my case, all I needed was the following:
$('#test').on("cocoon:after-insert", function(e, added_item){

And I was good to go.

Styling Fields Dynamically Added With Cocoon